Happy Always bouquet contains 10 sweet Pink roses and 10 elegant White rose in a single bouquet with premium packing in round shape. Round shape flowers bouquet looks very big and on our calculation, over 80% ladies love to receive flowers in round shape.
Tags: birthday, white, pink, anniversary, congratulations, round bouquet
There is NO extra charge to have same day delivery.
Delivery rates are based on several factors such as products ordered, size of delivery and area being delivered to.
You will be able to review all delivery charges on the Shopping Cart Page before completing your order.
Most standard flowers orders delivered to anywhere in Hong Kong even Lantau, Discovery Bay or Causeway Bay and all areas have a reduced delivery charge of HK$80.00
* conditions apply
Deliveries are generally delivered before 13:00 or 17:00 pm on your selected delivery date.
You may organize delivery on most days with the exception of Sunday's and Public Holidays.
We have you covered!
We can either leave it to the guard, receptionist, management office, by the door, on a verandah, by the garage or even with a neighbour.
We hope you understand that we are no longer responsible once the order has been left at the designated premises.
Alternatively, if the recipient isn't available, our driver will attempt to phone them to schedule a suitable delivery time, So please make sure that the phone number for recipient is correct.
Our default currency on our web site in Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) , but you can choose your preferred currency like USD, SGD, AUD, CAD ..etc
The system will charge you by your selected currency with No handling charge